Unveiling WaterOnMars

Today, I'm officially releasing a personal project called wateronmars, a web app combining a news reader and a bookmark collection. wom-logo-128 So this is just another news reader but this ones aims at being a free (as in freedom) platform from which users can explore the web. A demo site is hosted on heroku: http://wateronmars-demo.herokuapp.com/ For now this web application focuses on offering a lean interface based on a very simple workflow:

  1. Take a glimpse at the news: a river views displays the latest news
  2. Dig in when time allows: a sieve (some would say a mailbox-like) view makes it easy to look at and filter out the news
  3. Take notes: a "collection" gathers all web pages that the user wants to keep the link to
  4. Subscribe to news sources: a "sources" page gathers all the web pages from which the user wants to see the news as they come
The source code (under Affero GPL) is available on github. Although they make up a working and usable (IMHO) application I consider them as the building blocks for a slightly more ambitious web exploration platform. PS: If you came here looking for actual water on the planet mars, all apologies and feel free to go on wikipedia.